Fresh strawberry tart recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Fresh strawberry tart recipe


The strawberries they are one of the reasons why we love spring unquestionably. These fruits can be eaten in their simplicity, but also in many desserts in which they are the protagonists, like this one Strawberry pie.

The recipe for preparing this cake is simple: to make the basic of the tart we mixed butter, icing sugar, flour, egg whites and hard-boiled yolks, while for the stuffed we cut the strawberries into wedges and cooked them with butter, sugar and Grand Marnier.

Also try: Cream and strawberry tart, Hazelnut and strawberry tart, Tart with yogurt and strawberries, Strawberry and rhubarb tart with lime panna cotta, Tart with yogurt and strawberries, Cream and strawberry tart with amaretti shortcrust pastry, Strawberry and ricotta tart.


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