Ferrero, Nutella Biscuits arrive (with a big event in Milan) – Italian Cuisine

Ferrero, Nutella Biscuits arrive (with a big event in Milan)


Until October 31, in Piazza Gae Aulenti, Casa Nutella will be set up, where everyone can taste the new entry in preview

The Nutella, the authentic one, signed Ferrero, becomes the filling of a biscuit: they arrive also in Italy (after the lucky launch, in April, in France) the Nutella Biscuits. The heart of hazelnut cream constitutes 40% of the biscuit, a crunchy shortbread prepared with a mixture of flake flour and cane sugar. There new entry of the Alba group is produced in Italy, in the Balvano plant, in the province of Potenza, in Basilicata, a few kilometers from the Alburni mountains, about eight hundred meters above sea level: it is the site of the most southern Ferrero plant in the country.

A record production system

But one of the most interesting aspects of the Nutella Biscuits launch is their ultra-advanced and automated production system. To prepare them, it was made a specific production line with a great level of complexity and artificial intelligence. «An investment of the scope of over 120 million euros, Explains Alessandro d’Este, managing director of Ferrero Commerciale Italia srl. "A proof of our will not only to create excellent products, more and more innovative, but also to create value in our country, for the induced, for the territory and for people. In line with the Ferrero values ​​and above all with the teaching of Michele Ferrero, we designed and built the line thanks to our engineering division to ensure that our production process was unique .

The production line of Nutella Biscuits is the most innovative and complex that the Ferrero group has ever made: its own island picker is the largest in the world, with more than 40 pickers, 7 robots and about 200 engines: it weighs like a Boing 747 and it took 8 months to mount it. «The numerous parts that make up the new production line represent a world record for size and the ability to handle biscuits individually, one by one, is a unique in the panorama of Italian companies for the level of technological sophistication ", explains Ferrero in a note. «Technologists and engineers have cleverly combined known and available technologies on the market with systems designed and developed by Ferrero, therefore unique. The biscuit assembly is guaranteed by a process of synchronization to the millimeter, which minimizes errors. It was necessary to apply uncommon tools and methods to allow the perfect pairing of the biscuits: the lid perfectly closes the Nutella inside the casket .

The Milan event

This great innovative investment is supported by an ambitious launch program: until 31 October, in Piazza Gae Aulenti, in Milan, will be set up Nutella House, where everyone can taste Nutella Biscuits and experience an engaging technological experience. Indeed the emotions aroused by tasting will be detected by a special facial expression recognition device and will help feed (along with online interactions and visits to the Nutella site) a counter that has the shape of the heart of Nutella Biscuits. At the end of the Milan event, the counter will reveal how great the involvement of people, both at Casa Nutella and online, will have been.

Not only: on 4 and 5 November about a thousand Ferrero employees, who contributed to the development of the product, will reach, as ambassadors, more than 4 thousand sales points throughout Italy to present and taste Nutella Biscuits.


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