Does panettone win over pandoro? Iginio Massari and 7 great pastry chefs respond – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Does panettone win over pandoro?  Iginio Massari and 7 great pastry chefs respond


Panettone versus Pandoro, the usual rivalry on the Christmas table that occurs every year – but really? I asked the question to Iginio Massari and 6 other pastry chefs exceptional on the occasion of the Panettone Senza Confini 2023 cruise. It was definitely the ideal opportunity to carry forward the flag of the Verona dessert, which seems to be too often put aside. Yet, just as often I find friends and relatives confessing that they love panettone “without” (gluten, candied fruit, raisins, depending), but that deep down they much prefer pandoro. What is certain is that the offer of artisanal panettone is very strong and the competition is therefore heavy to overcome. Yet, I say it here and you will remember my words, there is room for Pandoro to regain first place.

Iginio Massari as well as Achille Zoiafor example, are great Masters of festive leavened products and they too reserve a special place in their gourmet hearts for pandoro. Fausto Morabito, the inventor of the traveling Panettone Senza Confini event, now in its seventh edition, is willing to welcome the pandoro on the next cruise ship. In short, the pandoro trend is strong and there are all the cards to play for a winning game.

Pandoro VS Panettone: the data

According to data from Italian Food Union, last year the total production of the two leavened products was 73,502 tons equal to 552.1 million euros. According to the survey conducted by AstraRicerche according to Unione Italiana Food, in the last year over 95% have eaten at least one of the two. When it comes to consumer preferences, you come to find that the two are almost neck and neck: 81% for panettone and 82% for pandoro. It is adults who prefer panettone, while the new generations prefer pandoro. Furthermore, the preference for the traditional pandoro recipe is almost evident at 69.3% compared to 66% for panettone.

Here’s what Iginio Massari and the other 6 pastry chefs think


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