Tag: great

Are we taking part in the Great Fairtrade Challenge? – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


On the occasion of international fair trade daySaturday May 11thcome back the Great Fairtrade Challenge campaign which invites people to adopt good sustainability habits at the table. Products such as bananas, coffee, cocoa and chocolate are always present in our gatherings, they sweeten and make moments together pleasant. Unfortunately, however, the situation in which farmers find themselves working to grow the products we love is in many cases not as pleasant. This happens without most of us knowing or doing anything about it. With the “Great Challenge” we want to demonstrate that an alternative is actually possible, as well as easy to implement in one’s daily life.

Participating in the campaign is very simple, even from home. Anyone can join: just share a shot of your family breakfast, a snack, or a coffee break at the bar or in the office made with Fairtrade certified products on your Instagram and Facebook profiles. The choice is really very wide: bananas, pineapple, nuts, chocolate, sweet snacks, breakfast cereals, snacks and much more. Here’s where to find them.

Alternatively, you can search for the bar closest to your home that is participating in the initiative. They have already confirmed their membership more than 120 rooms who will invite people to try their Fairtrade coffees over the weekend of 10-12 May. All the bars are listed on the website dedicated to the campaign. Among the coffee roasters that have already confirmed the participation of affiliated bars are Costadoro, Goppion Coffee, Haitian coffee, The Coffee Merchant, Julius Meinl, Fair Point And Ravasio Coffee.

Finally, about ten will also participate in the initiative schools which, on the occasion of World Fair Trade Day, they will organize snacks, convivial moments and interventions dedicated to the themes of social and environmental sustainability, with attention to global agricultural supply chains. The Don Milani Middle School of Pescantina (Vr) is participating; the Besta Higher Institute of Treviso, the Lanoce Higher Institute of Maglie (Le); the Cavour Institute of Vercelli; the Comprehensive Institute of Curno (Bg); The Falcone e Borsellino Institute of Gavorrano (Gr), the Val di Cornia Piombino Institute (Li) and the Romagnosi Institute of Piacenza.

Fairtrade is different. Fairtrade is a movement of people who support farmers in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and a certification system that assures them better trading conditions. By purchasing Fairtrade products and participating in the campaign, your support for farmers is concrete. Thanks to Fairtrade, agricultural organizations receive payment of a stable price, the Fairtrade Minimum Priceand an additional gain, the Award, which is used to start projects in the communities of origin. For example, it can be used for production improvement projects, purchase of fertilizers and agricultural equipment, social projects and health investments.


How to recognize a good pizza according to the great pizza chefs – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

How to recognize a good pizza according to the great pizza chefs


On January 17th we have one more reason to eat it: it’s the Pizza Day. But how do you recognize a good pizza? The most popular Italian dish in the world is also the most inflated, and every time it is a different experience. If it’s true that everyone has their own tastesthat for example a true Neapolitan will hardly appreciate a thin or pan pizza like a Roman, and that those who prefer the crunchy one will never admit (or perhaps) to having appreciated a pizza with a soft crust and filling, there are objective parameters to understand if that What are we eating? Is it a well-made pizza or not?

How to recognize a good pizza

The great pizza chefs we consulted have no doubts: appearance can say a lot, because it’s not just the flavor that counts. And above all, the flavor of the first slice doesn’t matter, nor just the taste experience you experience in the moment.

In the gallery below you will discover the details, with advice from six champions of pizza in Italy: the first in the world for the 50 Top Pizza rankingthat is Francesco Martucci; Diego Vitagliano; Giuseppe Staritawhich carries on the tradition of the historic Starita pizzeria in Materdei which has now become synonymous with the best Neapolitan pizza even overseas; Salvatore Lionellowhich is leading the way with its “differently Neapolitan” pizza that has just arrived in Milan. But not only. We also asked for advice Renato Boscowhich with its “contemporary”, “chunch” and gourmet pizza is among the ambassadors of the nouvelle vague of the pizza world, and Gino Sorbilloanother true Neapolitan who deserves the credit of having made the art of pizza known to the general public. Here’s what they told us.


New Year’s Eve dinner: recipes for a great start – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Not sure what to prepare for dinner New Year’s? We’ll give you the best recipes to compose the New Year’s Eve dinner menu. An easy menu is what you need to celebrate the last day of the year without stress. But giving up creativity is not an option: to make your task easier we have collected in the gallery below all our funniest recipes to be offered during the dinner on December 31st. Whether you are guests at the home of friends or relatives or you have made your kitchen available to wait for the start of the new year together, you can create a festive, colorful New Year’s Eve menu with a touch of tradition that will make it even more magical. this night.

The lucky ingredients

Let’s start from the basics. Although New Year’s Eve may be an opportunity to deviate from more traditional recipes, there are some ingredients that – according to popular beliefs – are necessary to start the upcoming new year off well. And it would be a real shame to take away the opportunity of a year particularly full of good opportunities, right?

First of all then let’s not forget the lentilswhich have always been associated with the concepts of luck and wealth, usually combined with zampone or cotechino: you can bring them to the table in many ways, from soups to first courses, up to meatballs. If you don’t want to include them in your menu, make sure you have a small quantity ready (even stewed) to be served at midnight as a good omen. The same goes for the pomegranatea wonderful red fruit, symbol of abundance, fertility and wealth. It can be enjoyed alone, at the end of a meal, or used creatively, in a tart as well as in salads and first courses (the risotto with artichokes and pomegranate or the macaroni with meat sauce are unmissable).

Easy and creative recipes

When you have to cook for many people it is imperative that the recipes are simple and quick, but how do you avoid the risk of being banal by choosing easy recipes for New Year’s Eve dinner? Let’s start by telling you that it is possible to prepare in 30 minutes (or even less). delicious and sparkling first courses, such as the sparkling wine risotto, the pappardelle with turnip greens and stracciatella or the nice tortellini skewers. If, however, your aim is to get ahead, avoiding spending December 31st in the kitchen, you should rely on first courses to be prepared in advance and reheated at the right time, such as lasagna, baked pasta and savory crepes. And for second? Great classics such as vitello tonnato are a choice to take into consideration, but to further optimize the times, experiment with baking and marinades.

A convivial menu for New Year’s Eve dinner

Why not go all in Quick and easy delicious dishes? Starting from the aperitif, with our Christmas sauces to be prepared only with the blender, perfect for dipping breadsticks and nachos. In addition to cold appetizers to be prepared in advance, savory pies are also an excellent idea, for example the Neapolitan escarole pizza. Even second courses can be more convivial: try the stew in a crust of aromatic rolls and you will leave everyone speechless.

New Year’s sweets

All you have to do is make your dessert decision. The list of traditional Italian New Year’s desserts is full of surprises, but there are also less conventional ideas. Have you ever tried to recycle pandoro and panettone leftover to create completely different desserts, such as panettone tiramisu or pandoro swirls? Not to mention the panettone dessert that we propose in the gallery below. If you’ve never done it, you really need to try it: this is the right time!

New Year’s Eve dinner: the best recipes

New Year's Eve menu with friends

The best recipes for New Year’s Eve


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