Are we taking part in the Great Fairtrade Challenge? – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


On the occasion of international fair trade daySaturday May 11thcome back the Great Fairtrade Challenge campaign which invites people to adopt good sustainability habits at the table. Products such as bananas, coffee, cocoa and chocolate are always present in our gatherings, they sweeten and make moments together pleasant. Unfortunately, however, the situation in which farmers find themselves working to grow the products we love is in many cases not as pleasant. This happens without most of us knowing or doing anything about it. With the “Great Challenge” we want to demonstrate that an alternative is actually possible, as well as easy to implement in one’s daily life.

Participating in the campaign is very simple, even from home. Anyone can join: just share a shot of your family breakfast, a snack, or a coffee break at the bar or in the office made with Fairtrade certified products on your Instagram and Facebook profiles. The choice is really very wide: bananas, pineapple, nuts, chocolate, sweet snacks, breakfast cereals, snacks and much more. Here’s where to find them.

Alternatively, you can search for the bar closest to your home that is participating in the initiative. They have already confirmed their membership more than 120 rooms who will invite people to try their Fairtrade coffees over the weekend of 10-12 May. All the bars are listed on the website dedicated to the campaign. Among the coffee roasters that have already confirmed the participation of affiliated bars are Costadoro, Goppion Coffee, Haitian coffee, The Coffee Merchant, Julius Meinl, Fair Point And Ravasio Coffee.

Finally, about ten will also participate in the initiative schools which, on the occasion of World Fair Trade Day, they will organize snacks, convivial moments and interventions dedicated to the themes of social and environmental sustainability, with attention to global agricultural supply chains. The Don Milani Middle School of Pescantina (Vr) is participating; the Besta Higher Institute of Treviso, the Lanoce Higher Institute of Maglie (Le); the Cavour Institute of Vercelli; the Comprehensive Institute of Curno (Bg); The Falcone e Borsellino Institute of Gavorrano (Gr), the Val di Cornia Piombino Institute (Li) and the Romagnosi Institute of Piacenza.

Fairtrade is different. Fairtrade is a movement of people who support farmers in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and a certification system that assures them better trading conditions. By purchasing Fairtrade products and participating in the campaign, your support for farmers is concrete. Thanks to Fairtrade, agricultural organizations receive payment of a stable price, the Fairtrade Minimum Priceand an additional gain, the Award, which is used to start projects in the communities of origin. For example, it can be used for production improvement projects, purchase of fertilizers and agricultural equipment, social projects and health investments.


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