1) In a saucepan let it cool down milk with 115 g of sugar and 60 g of butter, making them melt. Cut the bread into slices and break them up, then collect them in a bowl, sprinkle with milk and let it absorb.
2) Meanwhile, let it soften raisins in brandy. Incorporate the crumbled amaretti, chopped chocolate, cocoa, beaten egg, 75 g of pine nuts and squeezed raisins into the bread. Reverse the mixture prepared in a rectangular pan (about 26×16 cm), lined with baking paper, and level it.
3) Distribute on the surface the sugar and the remaining pine nuts and the remaining butter, in flakes. Cook the cake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 1 hour. Remove from the oven, let it cool and serve in squares.
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