Vegetable strudel with fondue recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Vegetable strudel with fondue recipe, the recipe


This Vegetable Strudel It’s a restaurant recipe Caserta Chessan ideal place for those who want to feel cared for at the table: Gino Della Valle with his wife Marilena and daughter Valentina kindly guide the kitchen and the dining room, highlighting the local products with particular attention to green part.

There is sensitivity to tradition: bread and aubergine peels, lentil meatballs, escarole’s Pizzapastas with vegetable ragù. But at the same time new ideas like it strudel which is a tasty concentration of flavors, local and “universal”.

Discover the recipe with a filling of escaroleraisins, buffalo mozzarella and capers and the accompaniment with a Fondue of buffalo mozzarella.


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