Tart for Mother’s Day: 20 recipes full of love – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


A tart for the Mother’s Day It’s always a great idea. In fact, on the second Sunday of May we will meet with the desire to celebrate it, dedicate lots of love to it and have a rich and good lunch. Everyone has the choice of the first courses on the menu, but one rule remains: leave some room for dessert!

And what better dessert than tart for Mother’s Day? Evocative, homemade and simple to prepare, remember the many afternoons spent doing snack with a good tart and a steaming cup of tea, i awaken Sundays who saw her towering on the table among the lattes, inebriating us with perfumes and all lunches in which, after the second course, there was always space for a bit of mum’s tart!

So, whether it is the classic shortcrust pastry preparation or a more imaginative variation, it will be perfect to close the upcoming Sunday lunch. But which one to choose?

Tart for Mother’s Day: our ideas

If you love chocolate the choice is simple: they are there tart with ganache, oranges and cream, recipe from the famous pastry chef Ernst Knam, and the two-chocolate tart without oven, a quick and clever idea that transforms the shortcrust pastry shell into a crunchy base of dark chocolate, puffed rice and chopped hazelnuts.

Those looking for an exotic touch won’t be able to resist the tart meringue pie with mangosteen creamor to tart with mango and kiwi ribbons, while the strawberry and rhubarb tart with lime panna cotta, the tart with rose creamthe tart with small fruits and the hazelnut and strawberry tart they will be perfect for bringing a bit of spring to the table.

There double tart with base and cover, it is the ideal choice for those who love classic flavors and can be served while still warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to make it even tastier, try the spiced pear tart or the pasticciotto tart with cream and black cherries. To end on a high note, we also offer recipes that include tarts with a creamier preparation, thanks to the soft fillings that characterize them: the forest tartthe quick tart with the oven offthe almond, rosemary and apricot tart, there Lazio ricotta tart, there muesli tart without oven and the cake with bischeri for true gourmands.

Tarts for Mother’s Day: 20 recipes

Mother's Day

20 tarts for Mother’s Day


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