Recipe Rice cakes and amaretto ice cream, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Rice cakes and amaretto ice cream, the recipe


The recipe for rice cakes and amaretto ice cream is our reinterpretation of the rice cake typical of Emilian cuisine, a dessert that is not too sweet, simple, but substantial. The recipe has peasant origins and its diffusion in Emily it happened thanks to weedersthe women who went to collect the rice in the areas of Vercelli, which were often paid with part of the harvest.

In this preparation, we served a ice creammacaroon to accompany a mignon version of the cake that we enriched with almonds and cedar.

Also find out how to accompany it traditional rice cake with an amaretto liqueur and the rice cake recipe prepared as a Sweet risotto with custard.


This recipe has already been read 78 times!

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