Recipe Green apple sorbet with frozen aromatic broth – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Green apple sorbet with frozen aromatic broth


  • 400 g green apples
  • 80 g acacia honey
  • lemon
  • 60 g light brown sugar
  • 10 g fresh ginger
  • 2 pcs lemon grass drums
  • half a green apple
  • Timut pepper (or pink pepper)
  • fresh cilantro

For the green apple sorbet recipe, cut 400 g of apples into chunks and sprinkle them with the juice of 1/2 lemon to prevent them from oxidizing. Spread them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Finally, blend the frozen apples with the honey until you get a homogeneous sorbet.

Prepare it while the apples of the sorbet are in the freezer: collect 400 g of water in a saucepan, the lemon grass drums cut into rounds, the peeled and grated ginger, 1/2 teaspoon of Timut pepper (it has a sweet and citrus flavor) , brown sugar and 5 coriander leaves. Let the broth boil for 3 minutes, remove it from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Filter it into the saucepan, add 1/2 green apple cut into cubes and cook for about 10 minutes, until it becomes transparent. Allow to cool, then place in the freezer while blending the sorbet. Shape the sorbet into balls and serve with the broth, decorating as desired with wild strawberries, coriander leaves, apple slices.


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