Tag: Green

Salad of green beans, new potatoes and Taggiasca olives – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Salad of green beans, new potatoes and Taggiasca olives


This recipe is an explosion of freshness and Mediterranean flavoursperfect for a light lunch or a tasty side dish. TheGreen bean salad, new potatoes and Taggiasca olives It is a dish that combines simplicity and taste, bringing the best of Italian cuisine to the table. Let’s see step by step the preparation of this delicious salad that has always conquered the hearts of our grandmothers and mothers, so much so that it is perfect for any occasion.


chicken salad with celery, arugula and green olives – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

chicken salad with celery, arugula and green olives


L’chicken salad with celery, arugula and green olives it’s a light second course and nutritious, which has roots in Mediterranean cuisine and has spread globally as a healthy and tasty option. The preparation involves the combination of fresh and tasty ingredients; therefore, it lends itself to being a versatile recipe, suitable for different culinary occasions. Its history dates back to the ancient Mediterranean culinary tradition, where the freshness of the ingredients has always been a priority. Although it is not associated with a specific region, its popularity has crossed geographical borders, becoming a mainstay in cuisines around the world. The undisputed protagonist of this is the chicken, a lean meat rich in proteins. It is carefully cooked to ensure a tender and juicy texture, adding a protein element to the dish.

The celery, crunchy and rich in fiber, provides a pleasant contrast and an earthy note to the overall composition. There rocket, with its peppery flavour, adds liveliness and freshness. The green olives, however, they have a slightly bitter and salty taste, completing the whole and enriching the dish with their characteristic aroma. Chicken salad is well suited to being served during the warmer months of the year, when the desire for light and nutritious foods is felt more, to accompany a summer lunch or a tasty dinner. Preparation requires attention to detail. The chicken is cooked delicately, avoiding compromising its juiciness. The celery, rocket and olives are carefully washed and prepared to maintain their freshness and nutritional qualities. Then, the presentation is crucial, as is the choice of condiments, such as extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and light spices. Turn on your imagination and try this chicken salad with celery, rocket and green olives. It will win you over!


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