Recipe Dark leeks and Jerusalem artichokes, spring onion jam and fontina – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Dark leeks and Jerusalem artichokes, spring onion jam and fontina


  • 500 g Red spring onions
  • 400 g Leeks
  • 350 g clean Jerusalem artichokes
  • 150 g Sugar
  • 120 g Fontina
  • 100 g Red vinegar
  • 70 g Butter
  • Sage
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

Peel the spring onions, cut the bulbs into strips and put them in a saucepan with 60 g of oil and a pinch of salt. Cook for 15 ', then add the sugar, let it melt without caramelizing it, for 2', then add the vinegar.

Cook the spring onions gently for about another 25 ', until they are very soft, obtaining a consistent jam. Cook the Jerusalem artichokes in boiling water for 10-12 ', drain and cut into rings.
Clean the leeks by removing the green part and cut them into rolls about 1.5 cm high.
Put the leeks in a large pan with the butter, a few sage leaves and a grind of pepper; add salt and cook over low heat, with the lid on, for about 25 '.
Then add the sliced ​​Jerusalem artichokes to the leeks while cooking, cover again with a lid and cook for another 15-20 ', adding water if needed.

Transfer the leeks and Jerusalem artichokes to a pan suitable for the oven; sprinkle the surface with the fontina cut into chunks and bake at 180 ° C for 5-6 ', until the fontina has melted. Serve hot, completing with the onion jam and sage leaves to taste.


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