Tag: leeks

Here is the recipe for the savory sweet potato and leek pie – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Here is the recipe for the savory sweet potato and leek pie


Spread the sweet potato and leek mixture on the basis of pasta. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the fresh cream, the grated cheese, the chopped aromatic herbs, the salt and the pepper. Pour the liquid mixture onto the surface of the cake. Put in preheated oven to 180°C and for 30-35 minutes.


an explosion of flavor and creaminess without cheese – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

an explosion of flavor and creaminess without cheese


In the rich panorama of vegan cuisine, a dish that stands out for its creaminess and enveloping flavor are the stuffed and stringy potatoes. This vegan reinterpretation of a classic comfort food enchants with its combination of soft and tasty ingredients. The potatoesundisputed protagonists, blend harmoniously with the leeks and the vegan bechamel, enriched by nutritional yeast which gives a unique cheesy flavour. An unforgettable culinary experience that delights the senses and conquers the palate with every bite.


Pumpkin risotto with speck, leeks and walnuts – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pumpkin risotto with speck, leeks and walnuts


Exploit foods in all their facets. It is a golden rule both to enhance the flavor of the dishes and to maximize the taste of the foods that make up the recipe. In this case, the wise use of leek also provides a primary role for the green part of the vegetable, usually unused, which adds flavor to the first toasting of the rice and indelibly marks its original flavour…


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