Tag: fontina

Recipe Polenta salad with fontina, soppressata and red cabbage, original appetizer – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

Cut the zest of half an orange into strips, place them in a pan covered with cold water, bring to the boil over a high heat and drain immediately. Clean the cabbage and cut it very thinly, add the orange peels, the juice of 1/2 lemon and 4 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper. Leave to macerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Cut the polenta into thin slices (5 mm), brown it in a hot pan on both sides (2-3 minutes per side). Also cut the fontina into thin slices.

Step 3

Place a base of cabbage on 4 small plates and then continue in layers until all the ingredients are used up, alternating polenta, fontina and soppressa. Complete with coarsely chopped fresh dill.

Recipe: Walter Pedrazzi Photos: Davide Maestri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


Fontina and apple risotto recipe – Italian Cuisine


  • 350 g Carnaroli rice
  • 150 g Fontina Dop
  • 130 g butter
  • 50 g Parmigiano Reggiano Dop
  • 3 green apples
  • vegetable broth
  • kirsch
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe of the fontina and apple risotto, toast the rice with 50 g of butter and a pinch of salt for 2-3 minutes. Deglaze with kirsch and sprinkle with 1 ladle of broth. Cook adding a little broth at a time (about 1 liter), in 15 minutes.
Stir the risotto with the remaining butter, grated Parmesan cheese and diced fontina. Also add 2 apples, peeled and diced.
Cover the rice and let it rest for 3-4 minutes.
Cut the apple left in thin slices. Season with salt and pepper and serve completing with the apple slices and, to taste, with fried sage.

Recipe: Marco Moretto, Texts: Laura Forti; Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


Galette with pumpkin and fontina cheese – Italian Cuisine

»Galette with pumpkin and fontina cheese


First put all the ingredients (with water and butter very cold from the fridge) for the shortcrust pastry in a bowl and mix them quickly, then wrap the dough with cling film and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the pumpkin into thin slices and the onion into rings.

Sauté the onion in a large non-stick pan with a little oil, then add the pumpkin and let it brown, season with salt and pepper, add a little water and cook for about 15 minutes (depending on the thickness of the slices), then let them cool down.

Take the dough and roll it out into a thin sheet (about 5 mm), then transfer it to the mold lined with parchment paper and stuff it in layers: first half of the pumpkin, then the thinly sliced ​​cheese and finally the remaining pumpkin.

Fold the edges of the dough over the filling, sealing them lightly between them.
Bake for about 40 minutes in a preheated convection oven at 200 ° C.

The pumpkin and fontina galette is ready, let it cool down at least before serving.


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