Recipe Butter candles in michette – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Butter candles in michette


Our journey to discover regional flavors continues. We are in Lombardy where, after the marubini with vegetables and crispy bacon, we discover the Herbal butter michette and candlesa reinterpretation of bread and butter for an original and bright start to the meal.

To make butter candles, tie the kitchen twine to a toothpick, place it on the glass and fill with the melted clarified butter. After they have solidified in the fridge, place the candles in the cavity of the michette without the caps, light and melt the butter, to be collected with pieces of other bread.

The recipe is an idea of Ilaria Castelli: from Lombardy, 47 years old, she founded Chef and the City in Milan, a cooking school that welcomes students from all over the world. She also does catering and home chef services. Her cuisine is an anti-waste cuisine that seeks “primary, natural and original” flavours. You studied cooking at the Milan Polytechnic of Commerce but also in Morocco and Oman, in Barcelona and St. Petersburg.


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