Recipe Appetizer of anchovies marinated in orange, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Appetizer of anchovies marinated in orange, the recipe


The anchovies marinated in orange I’m a appetizers light, fresh and very tasty. It prepares quickly, but you must consider the hours needed for the rest marinationso plan ahead.

After cleaned the anchovies you will have to cover them with orange juice and zest And Belle green olives from Cerignola and leave to marinate in the fridge for three hours. Once the time has passed, the anchovies should be drained and you can serve them with lettuce and radishother olives, and season with salt and oil.

Also discover these recipes for marinating anchovies: Marinated anchovies, Marinated anchovies with vegetables, Marinated anchovies and sweet and sour onions, Marinated anchovies with potatoes, Marinated anchovies, broad bean and apple cream, Marinated anchovies.


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