Ravioli with nettles recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Ravioli with nettles recipe |  The Italian kitchen


Have you ever eaten ravioli with nettles and salted lemon sipping a gin and tonic? Venture into this chef’s recipe Daniel Canzian in which the meeting between the ingredients is a surprise, always exquisite.

The recipe for ravioli with nettles by Daniel Canzian

In this gourmet preparation, a thin egg pasta closed to form plinths, in the Piedmontese style, contains a filling of nettles, bruscandoli and dandelion flavored with herbs and spices and pickled lemon (which can be found online or in oriental specialty shops or do at home); the dish is completed with a walnuts sauce, chopped walnuts and nettle shoots. Enjoy the dish while drinking a gin and tonic, it will accentuate the flavours.

Who is chef Daniel Canzian

Born in the Veneto region, in Conegliano, to a family of innkeepers, Daniel Canzian worked in the best kitchens in Italy and France from a very young age. The meeting with Gualtiero Marchesi is crucial: the maestro puts him in charge of his group’s restaurants in the role of executive chef. After receiving the «Pellegrino Artusi award as best young chef, in 2013 Canzian the restaurant that bears his name opens in Milan, where he states his idea of ​​cuisine that eliminates the superfluous to let the raw material speak, according to simplicity, respect for tradition and seasonality. Today he is vice president of the European board of the JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs association.


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