poached eggs with asparagus and salmon, a Mediterranean delicacy – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

poached eggs with asparagus and salmon, a Mediterranean delicacy


The poached eggs with asparagus and salmon they represent a sublime gastronomic combination, mixing softness, flavor and crunchiness, thanks to the variety of ingredients used. This dish, known for its elegance and simplicity, finds its origins in classical European cuisine, particularly widespread in the Nordic and Mediterranean regions. The denomination “poached eggs”, instead, derives from the preparation technique. In fact, the eggs are placed in water, just below the boiling point. The appearance of the lager, delicately wrapped around the yolk, resembles the shape of a shirt, hence the name. This cooking method gives the eggs a tender, silky texture, creating a perfect base to accommodate the other elements of the recipe. In fact, the asparagus they have a crunchy texture and a slightly bitter flavour, while the smoked salmon adds a touch of succulence and flavour. The dish, despite its sophistication, presents a recipe easy and fast to prepare. So, don’t miss this opportunity and prepare poached eggs with asparagus and salmon with us. Your guests will be won over.


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