Buon Ricordi turns 60, 100 chefs celebrate it in Vietri – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Buon Ricordi turns 60, 100 chefs celebrate it in Vietri


The entire Italian culinary tradition met in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Amalfi Coast) to celebrate the 60th birthday ofUnion of Restaurants of Good Memory. “100 chefs for one evening” is the title of the memorable event which began in the heart of the city of ceramics – on Corso Umberto I – with a long table made of delicacies from every region ofItalyand ended on the Rosa dei Venti seafront with a gala dinner washed down with excellent Franciacorta, in which the trait d’union was the team spirit and true friendship of the chefs of Buon Ricordi, proud to be the standard-bearers of the more authentic quality Italian cuisine.

Vietri and its ceramics: the cradle of Good Memory

The location was not chosen by chance: the oldest restaurateurs’ association in Italy is linked to Vietri sul Mare by the fact that – since 1964 – they are produced there, in the historic Ceramica Solimene the famous dishes which depict the symbolic dish of each restaurant, given as a gift as a “BuonRicordo”, of an unforgettable culinary experience. “For us restaurateurs at Buon Ricordi it is a dream that has come true. Celebrating 60 years of activity in the place from which everything started in 1964 with the famous hand-decorated plates from Ceramica Solimene it has finally become reality”, underlined the president Cesare Carbone and the general secretary Luciano Spigaroli.

The Good Memory dinner, good twice

Venetian-style creamed cod with pearl white corn polenta and cereal bread crouton, “Matte” Trofie with Genoese pesto with DOP basil and 60-month DOP Parmigiano Reggiano, Darna of seared fish with citrus fruits from the two Coasts, Lemon delight (edited of the Academy of Masters of Mother Yeast and Italian Panettone); paired with Franciacorta Brut and Franciacorta Satèn Brut, whose perlage enhanced every single dish. This is the menu for the sea view dinner, the proceeds of which went to charity, in favor of two local associations: L’Abbraccio OdV and OPEN-Pediatric Oncology and Neuroblastoma Onlus. Furthermore, the chefs provided their work for free. As per the Good Memory tradition, all the guests received a I remember the 60th anniversary dish from the evening lovingly painted by the artisans of Ceramica Solimene of Vietri sul Mare, made in a special dated and numbered edition.

The entire event enjoyed the patronage of the Campania Region, the Province of Salerno, the Municipality of Vietri sul Mare, the Amalfi Coast Tourist District and was created with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce and the CNA of Salerno and the support of the Restaurateurs Association and of the Pro Loco of Vietri.

What is the Union of Restaurants of Good Memory?

L’Union of Restaurants of Good Memory it was the first association of restaurateurs born in Italy and is still the most widespread and well-known today. 60 years of age, 112 brands, of which 11 abroad: since 1964 the URBR has safeguarded and valorised the many Italian gastronomic traditions and cultures, uniting countryside and city restaurants and trattorias under the aegis of local cuisine, from North to South. To characterize each restaurantand to create a trait d’union between them, is today as in the past the symbolic plate hand-painted by the artisans of Solimene Artistic Ceramics of Vietri sul Mare where the restaurant’s specialty is depicted, which is given to guests in memory of a pleasant gastronomic experience to remember. Taken together, the associated restaurants represent, with the extraordinary variety of their cuisines, the very rich mosaic of Italian gastronomy.

Look at the photos of the event


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