Tag: salmon

Smoked Salmon Wraps with Avocado – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Smoked Salmon Wraps with Avocado


If you are tired of the usual piadinas, this is the right alternative for you. Smoked Salmon Wraps with Avocado, Rocket and Wasabi Mayonnaise offer an interesting combination. Their simplicity makes them an ideal choice to enrich the table with taste and health. This recipe explores the balance between the flavor of smoked salmonthe softness of theavocadothe spicy touch of the wasabi mayonnaise and the freshness of the rocket. A tasty and refined experience, suitable for any convivial occasion.


Smoked Salmon Wraps – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Smoked Salmon Wraps


THE Smoked Salmon Wraps with Avocado, Cucumber and Greek Yogurt Sauce are a fresh and quick proposal, capable of combining flavors and consistencies in an irresistible way. Perfect for a light lunch or an informal dinner, these dishes are a balanced and delicious alternative. In the recipe that we present to you, we will explore how the delicate taste of smoked salmon blends perfectly with the creaminess of theavocado and the freshness of the cucumber. The whole thing is enhanced by a greek yogurt saucewhich adds a touch of lightness and extra flavor, thus completing a dish that will conquer the palate of anyone who tastes it.


Salmon tartare with avocado, cucumber and lime and coriander sauce – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Salmon tartare with avocado, cucumber and lime and coriander sauce


A classic tartare, the salmon one, this time we offer it to you in a variant with an intense flavour, combined with nuances of fresh flavors that will give completeness to every bite thanks to a play of contrasts. This recipe will take you on a taste journey where the delicacy of salmon blends with the creaminess of theavocado and the freshness of cucumberall enriched by a lime and coriander sauce which adds an exotic and refreshing note. Get ready to amaze your guests with an elegant and tasty dish, perfect for special occasions or for a light and refined summer lunch.


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