Passatelli recipe by Doctor Balanzone, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Passatelli recipe by Doctor Balanzone, the recipe


But what good ones passatelliwhich immediately evoke theEmilia Romagna and the holed instrument through which they “pass”, taking shape and name. The recipe we suggest today to prepare them is the one that Delia Pavoni Notarifounder of La Cucina Italiana in 1929, offers among the classic soups of first issue of the magazine.

They are made with all the love they put into them azdorethe energetic housewives of Romagna, and guaranteed by the greedy (and verbose) Dr. Balanzonethe most learned mask of commedia dell’arte, which has become a symbol of Bologna.

Also discover these recipes: Passatelli from grandmother Ancella by chef Massimo Bottura, Passatelli with seafood, Passatelli soup in fish broth, Chickpea passatelli in clam and tarragon broth, Passatelli in spring soup.


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