Tag: regional dishes

Jewish-style artichokes recipe | Italian Cuisine – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Jewish-style artichokes recipe | Italian Cuisine


Artichokes alla giudia are a traditional preparation of the Jewish cuisine. Judaeo-Roman. It is a preparation that has ancient origins: artichokes alla giudia are usually prepared during the Jewish holiday of Pesach (Jewish Passover), but they have become very popular and can be found all year round in the restaurants of the Capital. To prepare them, the artichokes are cleaned, open to the flower and cooked with a double frying. The result is golden, crunchy and irresistible leaves to be enjoyed while still hot.

Often, mistakenly, they are called Jewish-style artichokes, but their actual name is carciofi alla giudìa.

Artichokes alla giudia by In Cucina con Ruben

To prepare them, discover the recipe of Ruben BondiRoman, of Jewish origin: Ruben started working in restaurants very early, in the city and abroad, building up a solid experience. For fun he started posting videos of his recipes on social media, cooking on his balcony, which overlooks Trastevere.

To bring this specialty to the table, also try: Artichokes Jewish style with horseradish, Laura Ravaioli’s Jewish-style artichoke.

Do you know how to clean artichokes?


Grouper recipe, recipes: delicious baked grouper – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Grouper recipe, recipes: delicious baked grouper


It has tender and juicy meat: there are many recipes that can be made with grouper. Tomatoes, capers and olives they are the fundamental ingredients together with chilli pepper and aromatic herbs for cooking a tasty fish according to tradition Sicilian. This preparation is suitable for fish such as swordfish, gurnard, anglerfish, scorpion fish and grouper.

Delicious grouper: our version

The latter is the protagonist of our recipe which we have prepared with some variations in cooking compared to the traditional one in the pan. The grouper, filleted, cooks in the oven And separated from its sauce, so as to keep the meat more consistent. The dish gains in lightness and clarity of flavours.

Also try these recipes: Delicious swordfish, Delicious stewed cod, Delicious swordfish empanada.


50 traditional regional recipes to absolutely try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


When it comes to traditional recipes regional Italian we inevitably refer to local preparations, those that often change even within the same region. In fact, although there are visible contaminations between the typical recipes of the north, center and south, one of the undeniable riches of our land is the uniqueness of the typical dishes of each locality.

How traditional recipes and local dishes are born

It all starts from availability of ingredients and also from traditions of the territory. To understand the importance of ancient economies in regional culinary traditions, it is sufficient to compare the two largest islands. Sicily, although presenting some anomalies inherited from the dominations, is characterized by various preparations based on fish, scrub herbs and vegetables. Sardinia, on the other hand, where the populations traditionally lived in the hinterland, has developed a cuisine closely linked to the fruits of livestock farming such as meat and cheeses. Let’s find one similar situation in the typical preparations of the island of Ischia. The people, who lived mainly in the hinterland, created traditional dishes based on white meat such as Ischia-style chicken and rabbit. And although each region has its own history and past, the beauty of our peninsula is that when it comes to eating we all get along. So much so that over the years we have assimilated and mixed the origins of some preparations that we now find on all Italian tables. We are talking about dishes such as lasagna, tagliatelle with meat sauce, pizza, peas with bacon, risotto, stuffed courgette flowers, chestnut, tiramisu, pasta with pesto, veal with tuna…

If you too are hungry, then it means that the time has come to go to the kitchen and prepare something good, being inspired by this collection of traditional dishes and discovering something that perhaps you didn’t know about their origin.

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50 traditional regional recipes

traditional regional recipes

50 traditional regional recipes


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