Scroccafusi – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Scroccafusi - Misya's recipe


First prepare the dough: combine flour, yeast, eggs, oil, salt, sugar, cinnamon and liqueur in a bowl and work quickly until you obtain a smooth dough, then cover with a clean cloth and leave to rest for 1 hour.

Cut the dough into strips 2-3 cm thick and cut into pieces 4-5 cm long.

Bring some water to the boil in a large pan, drop in the pieces of dough and drain them as soon as they come back to the surface (about 5-7 minutes), leaving them to dry on a clean cloth for 30 minutes.

With the blade of a knife, make a cut in the center of the scroccafusi, then fry them in already hot oil, turning them to brown them evenly.

Drain them on kitchen paper, then plate them and let them drip on a little alchermes.

The scroccafusi are ready, all you have to do is decorate them with icing sugar before enjoying them.


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