Milan Coffee Festival, great success for the second edition – Italian Cuisine


The Milan Coffee Festival 2019: this is what happened this year, waiting for the next edition

The second edition of the Milan Coffee Festival al Superstudio Più in via Tortona it closed with large numbers: 5,701 visitors, of which 3,460 were consumed and 2,241 operators in the sector. With more than 40 exhibitors, the edition was confirmed as a success, including coffee tastings and coffee mixology demonstrations, but also milk art shows with Italian and world champions. There were also conferences and debates at the Lab, as well as aperitifs with music, pizza and coffee cocktails.

The winners of the Roast Masters race

The innovative contest, organized in partnership with Faema, saw 22 emerging roasters struggling with roasting is mixing of coffee, in front of an international jury of industry experts.

After the tests, commented in real time by Francesco Sanapo (owner of Ditta Artigianale, roaster, award-winning bartender and barista trainer) and Antonia Trucillo (Marketing & Academy Manager at Cesare Trucillo Spa), first place was awarded by the French of Belleville Brulerie. In second place Kalve Coffee, while to the third the Italians of Peacocks Coffee Roasters, an independent micro-roastery of Lissone. The winners of Roast Masters won a trip to Peru, the country of origin of the green coffee used during the tests of the first discipline and offered by Falcon Coffees.

The Crush The Rush competition

Another tender, organized in partnership with La Marzocco, involved teams of baristas from all over Europe in making coffee-based drinks. The Spanish team from Hola Coffee.

The appointment with the third edition of the Milan Coffee Festival is already set from 21 to 23 November 2020.


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