Tag: edition

The Spanzanellata of Poggio Danzino, 2024 edition – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


A dirt road in the country where the paths of time seem to meet those of space, the last shades of the sunset behind a Tuscan hill and among the olive trees, a table more than a hundred meters long illuminated by light bulbs moved by the wind, almost four hundred people eating while joking among themselves: the Spanzanellata of Poggio Danzino in the Valdichiana of Arezzo (between Monte San Savino and Alberoro) it is not a simple festival, but a “sacred” event that has been held with chronometric regularity every second Friday in July for decades.

The Spanzanellata 2024 (ph Francesco Maria Rossi).

Gastronomic sacredness that manifests itself in the ancient and peasant rite of preparing panzanella, but also in the social one, since the entire tiny rural village is involved in organizing the festival. Sacredness that seems to pervade even the original inspiration of the founder, that Marine Barbagli who saw in a dream the Madonna suggesting to him to make the first table, with the intent of involving old and young people in a charitable activity that would strengthen friendship and socialization, precisely of those Tuscans who, as it teaches us Malaparteare masters of individualism. The Valdichiana transformed from a malarial swamp to a fertile granary, thanks to the land reclamation carried out between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by the scientist count Victor Fossombronion behalf of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany.


Girotonno: the story of the 2024 edition – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The winning dish


Second place for Brazil by chef Jefferson Elias Ribeiro da Silva, known in Italy as chef Tom; third for Palestine, represented by chefs Shady Hasbun and Samia Sowwan.

Italy, represented by chefs Carlo Biggio from Calasetta, Emiliana Scarpa from Cagliari and Benedetto Di Lorenzo from Palermo, the special prize “Luigi Biggio”dedicated to the memory of the rais of the Carloforte tuna factory who died prematurely a short time ago.

«A balanced dish that follows the tradition of Carloforte and the tonnarotti in also using lesser-known but always precious parts of the tuna. The team made up of several chefs is also an example of collaboration between professionals that has always been – explained the president of the jury Roberto Giacobbo, in handing over the fine ceramic plate with the signatures of all the tonnarotti of the late rais – it is a characteristic and advantage of Girotonno”.

The jury of Girotonno 2024

There technical jurychaired by Roberto Giacobbojournalist, popularizer and host of Freedom, as well as myself it was made up of Giusi Battaglia, face of Giusina in Cucina on Food Network, Leonardo Felician, free lance journalist expert in food and wine, Fabrizio Imas, director of the Food and travel Italia magazine , Andrea Lo Cicero, chef and face of Gambero Rosso Channel, Fabrizio Nonis, expert gastronome known on TV as “El Beker”, Barbara Politi, TV presenter and collaborator of La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Camilla Rocca, free lance journalist in the food and tourism, Marzia Roncacci, journalist of Tg2 Rai, Gavino Sanna, Italian advertiser now at the helm of the Mesa wineries, Serena Sartini, journalist of Askanews, Gesualdo Vercio, Vice President Programming Warner Bros. Discovery and Giuliano Greco, owner of the Tonnara di Carloforte and, for the final evening, enriched by the presence of the rear admiral Enrico PacioniCommander of the Western Navy Command of the Italian Navy.

Conducting the event – which in addition to the Tuna Competition included cooking shows, wine tasting and much more – Federico Quaranta And Valentina Caruso, Rai presenters. They were the voices of the event and its protagonists on the stage set up on Corso Battellieri who talked about the emotions of the international tuna competition, the chefs and the recipes that were the protagonists of the cooking shows.


Iolanda Award 2024, the new edition begins – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The press conference to present the seventh edition of the event took place today in Milan, at the Gusto Sobrio space Iolanda Awardnational literary competition dedicated to cookbooks and recipes.

The Iolanda Award was born from an idea of Vera Slepoj and Davide Paolini, Presidents of the Award and the Jury, with the desire to establish for the first time a national award dedicated to the best cookbook and recipe book. The Award includes different categories: Cooking and Recipes, Literature on Wine, Healthy Cooking, Memory Recipes, Local Cuisine.

The Jury of the Iolanda Prize

Presidents of the Prize and the Jury: Davide Paolini, Vera Slepoj

Cooking and Recipes Award: Valeria Bisanti, Guido Bosticco, Benedetto Cavalieri, Diego de Leo, Silvio Perrella, Michela Santoro, Giuseppe Seracca Guerrieri, Pietro Torrigiani Malaspina, Paola Trifirò (Iolanda Prize 2021), Marina Valensise

Honorary President of the Wine Literature Award Jury: Lamberto Frescobaldi

Wine Literature Award: Rossana Bettini, Lorenzo Capellini, Gilda Caputo, Stefano Cosma (Iolanda Prize 2021), Massimo d’Amore, Tiziana d’Antoni, Nicola de Castris, Maddalena Fossombroni, Enrico Pandiani (Iolanda Prize 2020), Maurizio Zanella

How to participate

They can participate in the Iolanda Award all Italian publishing houses with a published work on a topic strictly related to recipes and the culture connected to them, such as history, originality, illustrations; the publication period of the candidate works is between 20 September 2023 and 10 August 2024. Judging the literary works will be Italian personalities and excellences linked to the world of Italian culture and cuisine.

Why the Iolanda Award

The name of the project was inspired by Mrs Iolandaa chef from Salento who represents all the child chefs who cooked in the square and contributed to making Italian cuisine an excellence: the Iolanda Award wants to be a tribute to this symbolic figure – since Italian cuisine is a cuisine of knowledge and figures of women, who learned the trade from a very young age, cooking in the family and for parties, the secret and precious recipes that were handed down – and at the same time a way to enhance the great tradition of Italian cuisine, celebrating those recipes that are a inalienable treasure of every family’s history.


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