Lasagna, pesto and shrimps: the Christmas recipe #DaAssaggia – Italian Cuisine


Lasagna means family, love, party. This is why Emiliane Barilla has proposed them with an original recipe to bring to the table during the Christmas holidays

Italian traditions are a staple in our daily life, but even more so when the holidays arrive. Egg pasta is one of those traditions, capable of making us feel at home from the very first taste. And with a touch of creativity it is possible to transform it and combine the heritage handed down from generation to generation with today's innovation and needs, just as the Emiliane Barilla.

The famous range of egg pasta has represented the history of our country for over 100 years, with its 33 pasta shapes produced with durum wheat semolina and fresh category A eggs, of Italian origin only and raised on the ground. From tagliatelle to fettuccine, up to lasagna and cappelletti, with a delicate, rough and porous pastry, in order to perfectly accommodate any sauce.

On the occasion of Christmas, Emiliane Barilla wants to give new life to traditions by recommending tasty and easy-to-make recipes, such as lasagna with pesto and shrimp.

Lasagna with pesto and shrimp

Time: preparation 30 minutes – cooking 20 minutes

Ingredients for 4 people

900 g of shrimp
500 g Lasagna Emiliane Barilla
1 jar of Barilla Pesto
1 mozzarella
1 sweet provolone


Blanch 800 g of prawns for 1 minute in a pan filled with boiling water. Once blanched, drain and let them cool.

In a bowl, chop the mozzarella and add it to the pesto. Then spread a spoonful of this mixture on the bottom of a 20 x 30 cm pan.
Spread the first layer of lasagna sheets in the pan, and cover it with a small part of the pesto and mozzarella mix. Add a few slices of sweet provolone and a portion of blanched prawns. Repeat the operation until the ingredients are finished.

Bake for 15 – 20 minutes in a preheated oven in static mode at 180 ° C.


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