Fregola with vegetables: the vegetarian alternative to try today – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Fregola with vegetables: the vegetarian alternative to try today


Today’s recipe, which as always starts from a classic, is the vegetable fregola.

Beloved for its versatility, Sardinian fregola, also known as “fregula”, is obtained by kneading semolina flour for a long time with water and salt with very rapid movements in order to obtain small crumbs which are then toasted in the oven.

Thanks to its round shape and compact structure, it is the perfect ingredient to enhance meat and fish sauces, the most common being those with mussels or clams or shellfish.

What few people know is that fregola has an ancient history, and spread in Sardinia thanks to commercial exchanges between the Phoenicians, Punics and Carthaginians, but as there is no certain evidence that can support this thesis, it cannot be ruled out that it is a product born on our wonderful island.

In this version, spring vegetables such as peas, courgettes, asparagus and onion accompany the fregola in a dish to be enjoyed hot, but also warm.

Fregola with vegetables: the recipe

Difficulty: easy
Time: 40 minutes

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 250 g of Sardinian fregola
  • 2 courgettes
  • 1 Tropea onion (any onion will do!)
  • 200 g of asparagus tips
  • 100g of fresh or frozen peas
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 sprig of parsley



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