Ferrero, Ferrari and Barilla, the companies with the best reputation in Italy – Italian Cuisine

Ferrero, Ferrari and Barilla, the companies with the best reputation in Italy


The Ales-Merco survey demonstrates this: there are eight made in Italy companies in the top ten of the ranking

They are three large Italian companies – Ferrero, Ferrari and Barilla – to conquer the very first places in the ranking of the 100 companies with the best reputation in Italy: this is demonstrated by the first edition of the survey prepared by the independent institute Ales Market Research, which used the Merco methodology, the only reputation monitoring verified by part of an external entity. But, in all, they are well eight companies of made in Italy which are part of the top ten: in addition to the top three, there are also Luxottica, Eni, Lavazza, Armani and the FCA Group.

The ranking was drawn up in seven months (starting last December) mainly on the basis of judgment of professionals and experts – that is, of people who deeply know the business world – and not just a sample made up of consumers: 246 executives and managers of companies operating in Italy with a turnover exceeding 10 million euros, one hundred experts and one thousand consumers were involved . Each category analyzed the companies based on different factors and obtained a different weight in defining the final ranking.

Company executives and managers have especially evaluated the economic and financial results, the quality of the commercial offer, the ability to attract and retain talent, ethics and corporate responsibility, the international dimension of the company and innovation. The experts measured the quality of the information provided, the effectiveness in corporate communication, commitment to the community or innovation in digital communication and consumers have assessed the commercial reputation of companies according to ten variables, including value for money, empathy, environmental commitment and general reputation.

Intesa Sanpaolo is at the top of the ranking in the banking and insurance sector, Google in IT, IKEA in the one relating to furnishing / textiles / home accessories, Accenture is first among the consulting companies, Eni in the energy, water and gas sector, Amplifon in pharmaceuticals and appliances, Hilton in hotels and tourism, Luxottica in the fashion and accessories sector.

This the top ten complete

1st Ferrero

2nd Ferrari

3rd Barilla

4th Luxottica

5th Google

6th Eni

7th Lavazza

8th Samsung

9th Armani

10th FCA Group


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