Date biscuits recipe, the easy recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Date biscuits recipe, the easy recipe


These date biscuits they will surprise you with every bite with their crumbly pastry, the fleshy date inside and the unmistakable aroma of Sesame seeds. Perfect for breakfastfor the snack or with coffee at the end of a meal, both adults and children will like them.

They are prepared very easily and quickly, but the dough needs a few hours rest in the fridge before taking the shape of biscuits to bake. The recipe is also an idea for to recycle the dates left over from the Christmas holidays, enjoy them in a different way and avoid waste.

Also discover these recipes for sweets and desserts to prepare with dates: Cocoa, pear and date cake, Hazelnut and date brownie, Pistachio crumble with dates and apples, Carpaccio of dates, orange blossom cream, walnuts and kumquats, Dates stuffed with almond paste, Date and cashew sweets, Fresh dates and coffee cream, Milk cream with fresh dates.


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