Tag: date

Date biscuits recipe, the easy recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Date biscuits recipe, the easy recipe


These date biscuits they will surprise you with every bite with their crumbly pastry, the fleshy date inside and the unmistakable aroma of Sesame seeds. Perfect for breakfastfor the snack or with coffee at the end of a meal, both adults and children will like them.

They are prepared very easily and quickly, but the dough needs a few hours rest in the fridge before taking the shape of biscuits to bake. The recipe is also an idea for to recycle the dates left over from the Christmas holidays, enjoy them in a different way and avoid waste.

Also discover these recipes for sweets and desserts to prepare with dates: Cocoa, pear and date cake, Hazelnut and date brownie, Pistachio crumble with dates and apples, Carpaccio of dates, orange blossom cream, walnuts and kumquats, Dates stuffed with almond paste, Date and cashew sweets, Fresh dates and coffee cream, Milk cream with fresh dates.


Mandatory Green Pass for bar and restaurant workers: here is the date – Italian Cuisine

Mandatory Green Pass for bar and restaurant workers: here is the date


With the new government decree, the obligation of green certification will be extended to all workers and therefore also to the staff of bars and restaurants

Since August 6, those who want to sit in a bar or go to the restaurant, must be in possession of the green pass. The obligation concerning customers will now also be extended to managers and employees of the premises. It has been talked about for weeks, the decision on the matter has been postponed several times due to disagreements in the government majority, between the parties and with the trade unions, but now there is a date.

Green pass for bar and restaurant workers from 15 October

According to the advances of the "Corriere della Sera", from October 15, all public and private workers, and therefore also i bar managers e restaurants, waiters, bartenders, they must be in possession of the green certificate. This is what is established by the decree that should be approved on Thursday (this afternoon) by the Council of Ministers. In Italy, therefore, anyone who works and has access to a room, an office, a factory, must have a green pass. Retirees, housewives and the unemployed are excluded.

Fipe: "Agree with the green pass, but establish times and rules"

"Our federation has always been on the side of those who believe that the pandemic comes out with vaccination and, therefore, in favor of the green pass also for the workers of their companies", he commented in recent days Fipe-Confcommercio. "Provided, however, that some fundamental points are clarified". Among these, the Italian Federation of Public Outlets had asked for a reasonable timeframe for the entry into force of the provision so as to allow everyone to be vaccinated and rules governing cases in which workers decide not to have a green pass.

Fines, sanctions and complaints

In this regard, the decree will establish that workers without a green pass can be fined (the penalties range from 400 to 1000 euros), but not fired. In case of counterfeiting of the green pass, one can be denounced, while after five days of unjustified absence from work, the employment relationship is suspended without due compensation.

The government line: fewer tampons, more vaccines

The knot of tampons for those who are not vaccinated has yet to be solved. The unions are demanding that the costs be borne by the state, while the government aims to incentivize vaccinations before a new wave and to avoid having to trigger the vaccine obligation.


Tart recipe of cod on cream of date tomatoes – Italian Cuisine


  • 400 g desalted cod
  • 350 g red date tomatoes
  • 70 g cucumber
  • 50 g yellow date tomatoes
  • 20 g stale bread
  • vinegar
  • mint
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe of salted cod with cream of datterini, peel the cucumber, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Blend 250 g of chopped red tomatoes with chopped bread, half a cucumber, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 of oil and a pinch of salt. Peel the cod and cut it into very small pieces to obtain a tartar (use a heavy knife). Season with a little oil and pepper. Spread the datterini cream on the plates, place the cod tartar in the center and complete with the remaining tomatoes, red and yellow, and with the other half of the cucumber, cut into half slices, and mint leaves.


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