Cilento, free coffee for those who clean the beach – Italian Cuisine

Cilento, free coffee for those who clean the beach


In establishments that use Cilento coffee, just go to the bar with a bag of garbage collected on the beach to receive a glass of coffee in exchange

A "prize" for those who contribute to keeping the beach clean: those who collect waste left on the coast are entitled to a free glass of coffee. It is the initiative, launched for the second consecutive year, by the Coffee Roasting Cilento, active for years in Laurito, in the province of Salerno: the "Clean Cilento" project it was created to sensitize bathers to take care of the beach.

On the other hand, according to the investigation Beachlitter by Legambiente, on every meter of sand of the 93 beaches examined are located almost 10 waste, and plastic alone accounts for 81%. But what is visible to our eyes on the beach is only 15% of the waste entering the marine ecosystem: the remaining 15% float on the surface of the sea and 70% remain suspended in the water column or sink. Among the 10 most found wastes there are pieces of plastic and polystyrene (and it is worrying because they are the "precursors" of microplastics, irreversible and incalculable pollution), the caps and lids of drinks – one for each meter of beach is found -, cigarette butts (the equivalent of 359 packets has been found of cigarettes in just 9 kilometers), cotton swabs (7.4% of all waste monitored) and construction material (with over 4,000 wastes linked to illegal spills on the beach). There are also 45 plastic bottles every 100 meters and 34 plastic dishes such as plates, glasses, cutlery and straws, every 100 meters.

To sensitize all swimmers, Caffè Cilento will distribute i leaflets which indicate how long it takes for the various materials to decompose. In the bathing establishments that use the Caffè Cilento brand, just go at the bar with a garbage bag collected on the beach to receive a glass of coffee in exchange. Which, of course, won't be plastic.


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