Chicken and ham rolls with cheese, an extraordinary delight – Italian Cuisine

Chicken and ham rolls with cheese, an extraordinary delight


The chicken rolls with ham and cheese they are not tied to a specific region, as it is a cheap dish, which has gained popularity in many cuisines. The mix of meats and cheese makes this preparation one quick and easy recipe, so flexible that it can be served in any season. However, they are particularly popular during holidays and special occasions, thanks to their inviting appearance and rich flavor. The rolls, therefore, are perfect for elegant dinners, informal family lunches, summer barbecues, when the chicken can be cooked on the grill to obtain an additional smoky flavor. Furthermore, the preparation ensures the intake of a series of very beneficial nutrients (high quality proteins, essential vitamins and minerals). In particular, chicken is a source of lean proteinsthe ham adds a salty flavour and the cheese confers creaminess. To present this dish in an inviting way, you can slice the rolls in half to reveal the stringy heart of cheese and ham. Finally, they can be served with side dishes such as mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables or salad, depending on personal taste and the occasion. Turn on the stove, work with your imagination and you will make chicken rolls with ham and cheese


For an original presentation, Cut the chicken rolls with ham and cheese in half, diagonally, before serving. This will reveal the stringy heart hidden inside it. You can garnish the dish with some fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil, for a pop of color. Furthermore, you can accompany the dish with a side, choosing between: mashed potatoes, steamed asparagus, mixed salad with a light vinaigrette, roasted potatoes or a spinach risotto. Enjoy your meal!


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