Chestnut Pancake Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chestnut Pancake Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


For dessert, but also for breakfast Christmastry these Chestnut pancakesa delicious recipe, vegetarian it’s at low glycemic index.

The preparation is very simple: just mix Chestnut flour, soy milk, water, cocoa, bicarbonate of soda and salt and cook the mixture in small doses in a pan to obtain pancakes. To enjoy this version of American pancakes we propose to you Greek yogurtfresh fruit such as pomegranate, currants, raspberries and, finally, chopped pistachios.

Also discover these recipes: Chestnut and apple pancakes with red radicchio, Pumpkin pancakes, amaretto and maple syrup, American pancakes, legume cream and duck breast.


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