Carbonara recipe with tuna and bottarga – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Carbonara recipe with tuna and bottarga


We allowed ourselves some variations on the carbonara theme together with the Roman chef Ruben Bondì, who, among the various recipes, created a seafood one for us. There double tuna carbonara It resembles the traditional Roman pasta dish in appearance, but in reality, instead of bacon, the chef used fresh tuna cut into chunks and browned in a pan.

Eggs and pecorino of the original recipe are maintained, while the extra touch is given by the bottarga, tuna and mullet, to complete the dish together with ground pepper. A perfect recipe for pescatarians who don’t want to give up the idea of ​​carbonara.

But who is the author of the recipe? Ruben Bondì began his career as a chef in prestigious restaurants around the world and as a personal chef. He has racked up 1.5 million followers on Instagram and 2.4 million on TikTok, all in just one year of activity. He was recently awarded best influencer at the Inda Awards. He is the author of the book: Cook with Ruben and has recently started its first TV format: Cooking on the balcony with Ruben. In 2023 he entered the Forbes under 30s ranking.


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