Broccoli and chickpea soup, the winter-warming recipe to make – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Broccoli and chickpea soup, the winter-warming recipe to make


Broccoli and chickpea soup with pecorino croutons is the perfect winter dish. In fact, like all recipes that have the power to warm the hands, the body and even the soul in the cold periods of the year, the broccoli and chickpea soup with pecorino croutons is also a peasant soup.

Most of these soups are based on legumes and cereals, but among all the land soups (because sea soups also exist), chickpea soup beats them all. It is perhaps the simplest soup, but also richest in flavour. In this version we decided to use these super protein legumes combined with broccoli, rich in chlorophyll, magnesium and high quantities of vitamin C. Light and nutritious, like any real self-respecting soup, even the croutons that accompany it acquire flavor and taste because they are soaked in Roman pecorino, but nothing prevents you from using Sardinian pecorino. Creamy and velvety, this chickpea and broccoli soup is very simple to prepare and therefore suitable even for less expert hands in the kitchen who want to impress at the table.

The recipe for broccoli and chickpea soup with pecorino croutons

Difficulty: easy
Time: 40 minutes


This recipe has already been read 122 times!

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