Black & white cake – Salt & Pepper – Italian Cuisine

Black & white cake - Salt & Pepper


1) Gather in a saucepan 1.2 dl of water with a pinch of salt and 35 g of butter, courses to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat, add the flour at once, stir and continue cooking the dough over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Let it cool down.

2) United the eggs, one at a time, jumbled up And transferred the mixture in a pastry pocket mounted with a 1 cm smooth nozzle. Drop the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in order to obtain many piles the size of a hazelnut and cook the puffs in a preheated oven at 180 ° for about 30 minutes.

3) Meanwhile chopped finely dark chocolate, untie it in a bain-marie, add 1 dl of warmed cream and the remaining butter and mix the ingredients. Transfer the bowl in the fridge until the mixture begins to bind.

4) Cut the sponge cake in 2 layers. Chop finely white chocolate, heat 1.5 dl of cream and, off the heat, unite the chocolate in several stages, until the mixture is shiny. Let it cool in the fridge. Add the seeds contained in the vanilla pod and whip with an electric whisk until it begins to thicken. Spread the ganache on the sponge cake base e recompose the cake.

5) Jumbled up the icing sugar with 1 tablespoon of filtered orange juice until a thick glaze is obtained, pour it on the cake and leave it thicken. Stuffed the cream puffs prepared with the remaining whipped cream mixed with the sifted cocoa. Soak them in the dark ganache and arrange them on the cake by stacking them. Let the cake rest for 30 minutes in the fridge and serve.


Posted on 08/01/2022



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