Pumpkin Spatzle – 's Pumpkin Spatzle Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Pumpkin Spatzle - Misya's Pumpkin Spatzle Recipe


First of all, clean the pumpkin, wash it, cut it into slices, remove the skin and cook it in the oven for about 25 minutes (it must be very soft) in a preheated convection oven at 180 ° C.

Mash the pumpkin well with a fork (you can also whisk it) and add eggs, a pinch of salt, nutmeg, milk and finally the flour: you will need to obtain a homogeneous but slightly sticky mixture, workable with a whisk.

Also prepare the other ingredients: cut the bacon into strips and coarsely chop the hazelnuts.

Boil lightly salted water in a large pot: when it boils, place the grater for the spatzle over it and start creating them, dropping them into the water; if you do not have the appropriate grater, you can do as I do and use a potato masher.
When the spatzle rise to the surface, you can drain them with a slotted spoon.

Meanwhile, melt the fat from the bacon in a large non-stick pan, then add the hazelnuts and toast them while browning the bacon.
When the spatzle are ready, as you drain them, add them directly to the sauce.

The pumpkin spatzle are ready, serve them with a sprinkling of fresh pepper.


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