3 WWF tips for a more sustainable future – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


3 tips from WWF which continues to serve as a beacon in the search for practical solutions for a sustainable future, presenting new guides within the Sustainable Future campaign. Downloadable in PDF format, these three guides provide concrete ideas for improve both our health and that of our precious planet.

WWF’s 3 tips for a more sustainable future

A diet for your well-being and for the planet

The journey to one sustainable lifestyle starts at the table. The WWF guides offer us practical advice, from shopping cart choices to creating a small home vegetable garden. The guide A diet for your well-being and for the planet invites us to consider the environmental impact of our food choices, even when we eat out.

Goodbye to fossil fuels

The abandonment of fossil fuels, main source of climate-changing emissions, is essential to avoid uncontrollable global warming. The WWF guide Goodbye to fossil fuels offers practical solutions, promoting not only the fight against climate changebut also benefits such as the elimination of pollution and greater energy security.

Life in plastic isn’t great

Our daily actions, from choosing products to managing waste, influence our health and the environment. The guide Life in plastic isn’t great from WWF explains how reduce the use of plastic in everyday life through practical advice and insights.

The campaign for a more sustainable future

WWF’s goal of Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental footprint by 50% by 2030 requires everyone’s commitment. The Sustainable Future campaign aims to reaffirm the central role of people in the transformation of economic and cultural systems, starting from daily choices up to collective action.

A look at the past and a commitment to the future

Over the last 50 years, development has had a devastating impact on nature and our health. However, WWF pushes us to reflect on our power to change direction. Reducing the use of fossil fuels, improving the food system and reducing the use of plastic are crucial steps. Only by transforming needs into concrete actions can we build a future where people and nature thrive together.

The WWF mission and the responsibility of each of us

The WWF challenges us to embrace a path towards a sustainable future, based on renewable energy, responsible food systems and natural solutions. Their mission is our daily mission: to restore harmony with nature through choices that preserve the well-being of the planet, its biodiversity and the climate. Only in this way can we build a more equitable and sustainable future for all.


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