Tag: environment

5 ways to waste less | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

5 ways to waste less |  The Italian kitchen


L’waterfall it is the primary good for us human beings, but also for the environment. How to save water it must be a behavioral thought for everyone. L’waterfall it is therefore of vital importance and is also the most abundant chemical compound on earth. The quantity present on earth is immense, estimated at around 1200 billion tonnes. Our planet, in fact, is occupied for approximately 70% from water while only 30% is occupied by emerged lands.

Water is vital: our life depends on water

Most of our body is made up of water. It is the main ingredient of the blood, of our cells and represents approximately the 65% of our body weight. Water is vital and indispensable for our health: drinking water helps keep our organs healthy and replaces the liquids we lose through breathing, sweat and digestion.
To keep fit we should drink at least a liter of water a day, that is, approximately 6-7 glasses. Water is therefore a fundamental element for life on our planet!

World Water Day 2024

The World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd (World Water Day), an anniversary established by the United Nations in 1992 and included in the Agenda 21 directives, the result of the Rio conference. The objective of the day is to raise awareness of world institutions and public opinion on the importance of reduce water waste and to adopt behaviors aimed at combating climate change.

At a political level, attention towards the topic is very high. From March 22nd to 24th the international community gathers in the United Nations Headquarters in New York for UN 2024 Water Conferenceor the second world conference on water 45 years after the first conference, which took place in 1977 in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

With the support of UN-Water and the UNDESA secretariat and organized by Tajikistan and the Netherlands, the conference has the main aim of push political and social attention towards a global problem starting from the recognition of water as a universal human right up to the priorities of use, passing through the impacts on health and the environment. Italy will be represented by Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, minister of the environment and energy security, accompanied by technical representatives of the ministries responsible for the matter (Health, MAECI, MASAF) and of the main agencies and scientific institutions that deal with water according to the their mandate (ISPRA, ISS, AICS).

How to save water in 5 tips

Since water is therefore indispensable for us and for the Planet, let’s see how to use it starting from the small daily things at home. For example, a banal gesture to start from in the kitchen is to use less water to cook pasta.


Safe water? Good and also saves money – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


There Water shortage is a reality in many parts of the world, with Honduras’ capital, Tegucigalpa, facing significant challenges. Population growth, industrialization and the expansion of agriculture are depleting water resources, putting the supply of drinking water for many families at risk. There Competition between agriculture, food and urban water supply has become a serious problem: innovative solutions are needed.

There Codex Alimentarius Commissiona body of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), responded to this challenge by introducing new guidelines aimed at promoting more efficient and sustainable use of water in food production and processing.

In the past, Codex recommendations focused onuse of potable or clean water to ensure food safety. However, considering the challenges of accessing and costing drinking water, Codex has developed new guidelines that address the safe sourcing, use and reuse of water throughout the food production chain.

Water: what’s new in the Codex

The most significant innovation of these guidelines is the approach based on “fitness for purpose”. Recognizing that water quality requirements vary depending on the food product and intended use, Codex states that water must be suitable for the specific purpose for which it is used. For example, the water used for growing lettuce intended for raw consumption may differ from that used for cleaning potatoes which will be cooked before consumption.

A key point of these guidelines was the recognition of the importance of considering different sources of water, such as recovered, recycled, recirculated or waste waterevaluating its safety based on its intended use.

The pioneering example

Honduras played a pioneering role in the practical application of these guidelines. In 2022, with the support of Codex, it hosted a workshop involving industry and government from across Latin America. During the event, decision-making tools developed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) were tested to evaluate water sources and determine associated risk levels.

Subsequently, in 2023, the SENASA organized a national workshop to introduce government officials, industry and academia to the guidelines. This workshop promoted a change of perspective, challenging the traditional approach that exclusively promotes the use of drinking water. Mirian Bueno, technical director for food safety at SENASA, noticed a change in attitude after the workshop. Industries, aware of the costs associated with drinking water, are now more inclined to consider water reuse after a thorough risk assessment.

The guidelines are expanding

While the current Codex guidelines focus on fruit and vegetable production, it is expected to extend to the dairy and fisheries sectors next year. This initiative not only promotes food security, but also aims to address growing water scarcity and global disparities in its availability and quality.

The Codex guidelines, although voluntary, offer a valuable tool for countries facing increasing water stress. With the need to manage water sustainably, these guidelines represent an important step forward in finding innovative solutions for water conservation and global food security.

Source FAO


17 sustainable good intentions, told by FAO – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


17 good resolutions for the new year? FAO tells us. Once the Christmas holidays are over, it is the ideal time to reflect on our behaviors and habits, aiming to make 2024 more sustainable and inclusive. And this also means contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of building a better future for all.

There sustainability, understood in a broad sense, embraces the need to ensure decent work, equal opportunities, health, education and a vibrant quality of life. Therefore, let us begin the new year with the aim of cultivating positive change in various aspects of our lives.

17 SDGs equal 17 good intentions for a sustainable 2024

Putting others first (SDG 1)

Let’s volunteer at local kitchens or homeless shelters. In this way we contribute to combating extreme poverty and ensure that no one feels excluded or forgotten.

Be careful with the food! (SDG 2)

We reduce food waste and choose local, seasonal and sustainable foods. We generously donate food aid, helping to combat the hunger that still afflicts millions of people around the world.

Lead a healthy lifestyle (SDG 3)

Let’s introduce nutritious foods into our diet and get used to doing regular physical exercises, because doing so helps promote individual and collective health. Let’s resist the urge to overeat by starting the year with good habits.

Give or donate a book (SDG 4)

We promote education by donating books or school supplies, thus helping to ensure a better future for less fortunate children and communities.

Supporting other women (SDG 5)

We celebrate and support the women in our lives, promotinggender equality. In this new year, we encourage women to pursue their ambitions and be leaders in their community.

Reduce water consumption (SDG 6)

We are aware of the importance ofwaterfall and let’s commit to reducing waste. Small gestures like turning off the tap while washing the dishes make a difference.

Reduce energy consumption (SDG 7)

We use low energy consumption light bulbs and take seriously the idea of ​​sourcing from renewable energy sources. We turn off the lights when they are not needed and we evaluate the possibility of using solar panels.

Shopping at socially responsible companies (SDG 8)

We support companies with reputations of ethical working conditionspromoting fair and sustainable economic growth.

Be innovative (SDG 9)

We embrace innovative practices and technologies, spreading knowledge of sustainable solutions through social media.

Be aware of inequalities (SDG 10)

Let’s find out about inequalities in our community and let’s face them by participating in volunteering and donation initiatives.

Supporting a sustainable city (SDG 11)

We support the idea of ​​sustainable cities, participating in local initiatives and communicating with city councils for responsible urban planning.

Adopt a low-waste lifestyle (SDG 12)

Reduce, reuse and recycle become daily mantras. We choose products with low environmental impact and support responsible brands.

Be climate aware (SDG 13)

Let’s make ours aware food and purchasing choices to reduce environmental impact, thus lowering our carbon footprint.

Keep parks and grounds clean (SDG 15)

Let’s get rid of waste responsibly, avoiding chemical contamination of land and water.

Promote inclusion and respect (SDG 16)

We deepen our knowledge of different religious traditions and holidays, promoting a world that respects differences.

Share what you have learned (SDG 17)

We share awareness and support local initiatives for sustainable development, helping to spread the word of the community.

These good intentions must not just be a January commitment, but the starting point for an entire year of positive actions. Let’s work together for a sustainable futurefueled by inclusion, awareness and responsibility towards our planet and future generations.

Source FAO


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