Vegetable Soufflé Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Vegetable Soufflé Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


Its name comes from the French verb souffler, which means to blow: the souffléIn fact, it’s all about air. A perfect soufflé it swells during cooking and it feels soft and light; it is not the same as flan which is cooked, always in the oven, but in a bain-marie.

The secret to the success of the soufflé is the egg whites which must be whipped until stiff and then incorporated into the rest of the mixture. Soufflé can be made with many ingredients: in this case we show you a vegetable souffléperfect for to recycle vegetables left over from other preparations.

Also try the cheese soufflewhich can be a recipe for recycling leftover cheeses, and the Spinach, gorgonzola and walnut soufflé.


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