Valentine’s Day at the home of Ernst and Frau Knam: the savory recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


What is your place of heart?
TO. «As a Venetian from the Cannaregio district, I always recommend the Serenissima: it is an easily reachable destination. Then in Venice, the view at sunset from the Hilton Molino Stucky Venice for me is one of the most beautiful in the city.”

How do you create the right atmosphere?
AND. «For a dinner, focus on a surprise detail like mine cocoa candles. Soft lights, a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table, and then a short and light menu, easy to prepare. A bubble served strictly in the cup. Finish with a dessert and two chocolates. To then move to the sofa, full but still light…”.

Frau Knam, or Alessandra Mion, and Ernst Knam.

The recipe for a lasting love like yours?
AND. «We also argue and in those cases we evoke Cristina: “But that day our friend couldn’t mind her own business?”. Jokes aside, the secret is to listen and not just talk and then take a step back. The butterflies go away, let’s cultivate love with small gestures every day. My parents, together for 50 years, are an example to me.”
TO. «Speaking of small gestures, I find that too giving just a single flower is a profound gesture. The flower is ephemeral, but it is also something to take care of. The best thing is finding it when you least expect it. In the office at the beginning of the week, far from a birthday. It helps overcome the misunderstandings that everyone faces.”

Recipe: Risotto pasta with pea cream and scallops

Risotto pasta with pea cream and scallops: one of the Knam couple’s Valentine’s Day recipes.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 450 g vegetable broth
  • 150 g risoni pasta
  • 150 g pea puree
  • 50 g white wine
  • 50 g 80% dark chocolate, chopped
  • 30 g butter
  • 30 g extra virgin olive oil
  • 20 g cocoa butter
  • 6 scallops
  • 6 candied lemon julienne seeds
  • fresh herbs (thyme, marjoram, chives)
  • Maldon salt
  • Sarawak white pepper


  1. Make a classic risotto, using pasta instead of rice. Finally, stir in the pea puree, butter, chocolate and extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Sear the scallops in a non-stick pan with cocoa butter and salt with Maldon salt.
  3. Place the risotto pasta on a flat plate.
  4. Finished with three decorated scallops and lemon julienne.
  5. Decorate with herbs and Sarawak white pepper.


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