The tastiest recipes for the week of January 17th – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the week of January 17th


What to cook during the week of January 17th? Do not miss our first, second and most original desserts

Looking for quick and tasty ideas for everyday cooking? In the gallery above 10 recipes await you to try this week: first and second courses, but also dishes that can be transformed into a complete meal thanks to a touch of imagination.

Let's not forget that Monday 17th January has been identified as Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year: fortunately, the same day is celebrated World Pizza Day, the perfect excuse to face this Monday with a tasty homemade pizza. We have seasoned it with turnip greens, but choose among the ingredients that make you happier!

What to cook during the week of January 17th: first courses

If at the table you never miss a plate of pasta, the time has come to overturn your certainties. Between a carbonara and a plate of pasta and beans, propose a more creative recipe like that of our macaroni risotto with carrots and blueberries, ready in just 20 minutes.

January is also the right month to dedicate yourself to lightness and detox: you can replace pasta with alternatives such as couscous, spelled or quinoa, combining them with seasonal ingredients. This week try our aromatic couscous with broccoli.

In winter we also love the soups and the soups. You will love this: there are lentils, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke and some delicious strips of buckwheat.

What to cook during the week of January 17th: main courses

Sometimes to give the usual twist second course of meat a stimulating aroma or side dish is enough, as in the case of "smoked" roast beef, scented with rosemary and juniper berries and served with a mixed salad of radicchio, Belgian endive, rocket and mandarins.
And speaking of fragrant recipes, you should definitely try the turbot in pea and lemon balm soup. Very easy!

Finally, i stuffed artichokes they are an excellent idea for a second course to be served at dinner (and to be reheated the next day for a quick lunch break). Here we have stuffed them with spelled with saffron, but don't miss the other artichoke-based recipes from our archive.

What to cook during the week of January 17th: sweets

Even during the week, you cannot do without dessert. If you are in the mood for great classics, the recipe for the perfect yogurt donut will accompany you, slice by slice, during breakfasts or the afternoon snacks of this week.

Do you want to experience more? Then try these bread dumplings with cocoa sauce. Children will go crazy with joy!

Check out all the other recipes for the week of January 17th in the gallery above


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