Tag: 17th

World Pizza Day: why is it celebrated on January 17th? – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Some days are not celebrated by chance: if on January 17th the whole world celebrates World Pizza Day it’s because it’s the day of Saint Anthony the Abbot, the third-century hermit who gave up his wealth to dedicate his life to others. He is considered the founder of Christian monasticism, the protector of animals, butchers, but not only.

Who is the patron saint of pizza chefs?

The saint that medieval iconography has always made us imagine holding a bell in his hand, a stick with a Tau-shaped cross and a faithful pig next to him, is the one who, according to legend he also gave fire to men to keep them warm by stealing it from hell. For this reason Sant’Antonio Abate is also the patron of fires and all those professions which are closely linked to fire, and therefore also i pizza chefi (in addition to bakers and firefighters).

Because pizza day is celebrated on January 17th

Hence the idea of ​​making the two things coincide: celebrate the patron saint of pizza chefs and World Pizza Day on the same day, which in turn is also the formalization of a very ancient custom in Naples and beyond. On January 17, while the farmers – and many simple owners of dogs and cats – bring the animals into the squares to have them blessed by the parish priests, in various regions of the South there are also the fires in honor of Sant’Antonio Abate: in Salento they call them “focare” for example, while in Naples they are the “fucarazzi”. To gather around these bonfires that are set up in the courtyards and squares, thank the saint, pray that he brings good luck for the new year started – and last but not least celebrate (as we still do, eating pork and dancing) – since ancient times Neapolitan pizza chefs take half a day off on January 17th.

Who created World Pizza Day

The idea of ​​celebrating January 17, the day of Sant’Antonio Abate, also as World Pizza Day was born from Neapolitan pizza chefs. To be precise, it wasVerace Neapolitan Pizza Association (AVPN) and its president Antonio Pace who, immediately after the recognition by UNESCO which consecrated the art of Neapolitan pizza chefs as an intangible heritage of humanity, saw fit to rediscover an ancient tradition by launching, in 2018, this world day which every year is celebrated with great celebrations.

How to celebrate World Pizza Day

This year, which also marks the fortieth anniversary of the Verace Pizza Napoletana Association, the World Pizza Day program (which you can find complete on Facebook) is very rich, including street meetings and live streaming that will involve experts and pizza chefs from all over the world who have joined the association by committing themselves to respect the strict regulations for the preparation of pizza. 16 countries, 22 masterclasses in 11 languages, from Australia to the United States via Italy, the Association organized a 24-hour non-stop event entirely dedicated to pizza.

The new pizza dedicated to Saint Anthony

And he also created a new one, dedicated to the protector: it’s the “pizza Sant’Antonio”with tomato and chilli pepper to symbolize the fire that protects, the sausage that recalls his inseparable pig, and the provolone del monaco, a famous specialty of the Sorrento Peninsula, which recalls among other things that this saint so venerated in the south was also the first monk in history.

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The tastiest recipes for the week of January 17th – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the week of January 17th


What to cook during the week of January 17th? Do not miss our first, second and most original desserts

Looking for quick and tasty ideas for everyday cooking? In the gallery above 10 recipes await you to try this week: first and second courses, but also dishes that can be transformed into a complete meal thanks to a touch of imagination.

Let's not forget that Monday 17th January has been identified as Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year: fortunately, the same day is celebrated World Pizza Day, the perfect excuse to face this Monday with a tasty homemade pizza. We have seasoned it with turnip greens, but choose among the ingredients that make you happier!

What to cook during the week of January 17th: first courses

If at the table you never miss a plate of pasta, the time has come to overturn your certainties. Between a carbonara and a plate of pasta and beans, propose a more creative recipe like that of our macaroni risotto with carrots and blueberries, ready in just 20 minutes.

January is also the right month to dedicate yourself to lightness and detox: you can replace pasta with alternatives such as couscous, spelled or quinoa, combining them with seasonal ingredients. This week try our aromatic couscous with broccoli.

In winter we also love the soups and the soups. You will love this: there are lentils, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke and some delicious strips of buckwheat.

What to cook during the week of January 17th: main courses

Sometimes to give the usual twist second course of meat a stimulating aroma or side dish is enough, as in the case of "smoked" roast beef, scented with rosemary and juniper berries and served with a mixed salad of radicchio, Belgian endive, rocket and mandarins.
And speaking of fragrant recipes, you should definitely try the turbot in pea and lemon balm soup. Very easy!

Finally, i stuffed artichokes they are an excellent idea for a second course to be served at dinner (and to be reheated the next day for a quick lunch break). Here we have stuffed them with spelled with saffron, but don't miss the other artichoke-based recipes from our archive.

What to cook during the week of January 17th: sweets

Even during the week, you cannot do without dessert. If you are in the mood for great classics, the recipe for the perfect yogurt donut will accompany you, slice by slice, during breakfasts or the afternoon snacks of this week.

Do you want to experience more? Then try these bread dumplings with cocoa sauce. Children will go crazy with joy!

Check out all the other recipes for the week of January 17th in the gallery above


on January 17th in Naples we celebrate St. Anthony and the pizza chefs – Italian Cuisine


On the day in which the celebration of the saint occurs, in the capital of Naples they set up the Pizzaiuolo Day to recall an ancient tradition of bonfire propitiators and propose a special pizza

After the proclamation of the Art of Neapolitan Pizzaiolo to the Unesco World Heritage of Unesco, countless new initiatives have sprung up to celebrate pizza and its masters. One of these is the "City Day of the Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo" which, established a year ago by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana and the Associazione Pizzaiuoli Napoletani, is celebrated in Naples on January 17th.

Sant'Antonio and the pizza chefs

Why this date? It is the recurrence of Saint Anthony the Abbot, considered protector of bakers and pizza makers, a day in which, in ancient times, the Neapolitan families closed the pizzerias for half a day and went to a restaurant in Capodimonte, Colli Aminei, to light together a propitiatory bonfire.

How to prepare pasta for Neapolitan pizza

Browse the gallery

The saint's pizza to taste

Today we wanted to evoke this tradition, but the pizzerias will not close, indeed: the premises participating in the initiative will propose a special pizza dedicated to the saint. The ingredients? Those of the classic Margherita, tomato, mozzarella, oil and basil, and then sausage, spicy salami and ricotta.


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