Tag: tastiest

Cold couscous: the quickest and tastiest recipes to make – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The warmer season begins and we immediately think of light and fresh dishes. Here are some recipes for cold couscous which I advise you to write down immediately because they will come in handy in the coming weeks, when you no longer feel like turning on the stove.
Couscous is one of the ingredients that is never missing in my kitchen because in my opinion it is a precious ally and a super versatile “wild card” ingredient.

What we find in supermarkets is pre-cooked and in a very short time it is ready to seasonso it’s ideal for last minute preparations and everyone always likes it.
I suggest 3 ways to bring it to the table in a simple and tasty way.

Cold couscous salad with cherry tomatoes

Among the recipes for cold couscous, this is certainly the first that comes to mind because it is super practical and quick. I just like it simple with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, but you can enrich it with olives, tuna, primosale or feta.


  • 150 g pre-cooked couscous
  • 150 g of yellow and red cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red onion from Tropea
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • fresh mint to taste
  • fresh parsley to taste
  • 2 tablespoons chopped pistachios
  • Salt to taste
  • pepper as needed


  1. Pour the couscous into a container and cover it thinly with boiling water. You can use water heated in a kettle to make the operation easier and faster.
    Place a plate or a canvas on the container and let the couscous absorb the water for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Then fluff the couscous with a fork to separate all the grains and season generously oil.
  3. Leave to cool and add to the couscous cherry tomatoes cut in halfthe Red onion thinly sliced, the cucumber in pieces, the parsley and mint cut with a knife.
  4. Then season everything with the lemon juiceoil, salt, pepper and coarsely chopped pistachios.
  5. Stir gently to evenly distribute the seasonings.

    This couscous is better after a few hours because all the flavors will have blended perfectly. If I can give you one piece of advice, always prepare a seasoning with oil, salt, lemon, parsley or other chopped herbs and let it macerate for a long time before adding it. It will give a very fragrant touch.


Baked asparagus au gratin: the tastiest side dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Baked asparagus au gratin should be cooked well laid out next to each other for a uniform result.

Nataliia Yankovets

Asparagus: better raw or cooked?

As you have read in the recipe, I use raw asparagus and do not let them cook first in boiling water, as I prefer them tasty, crunchy and of a nice bright green color.

If you prefer a softer consistency, cook them for a few minutes in boiling water, then drain them, dry them and sprinkle them with breadcrumbs before putting them in the oven.
Up to now we have only talked about classic green asparagus, the ones that are sold in bunches in vegetable stalls, but you can use those whites and those wild.

In these cases, however, blanch them because the former are larger and do not cook easily in the oven and the latter have a bitter taste which must be toned down.

Asparagus cooked in the oven from raw is crispier and has a brighter color.

Cavan Images

Not just breadcrumbs

You can also use other types of bread for the breading.
If you want something lighter and have some bread to recycle, chop the breadcrumbs which will be super crunchy once cooked in the oven.
Or opt for the pankowhich is a Japanese breadcrumbs available in many Asian shops, or try making it at home by chopping very soft white bread like the one in a loaf.
You can add some aromatic herbs to the breading as I did. In addition to parsley, mint, basil, marjoram and thyme go well with asparagus.
And for a touch of freshness, grate some Lemon peel.
I love this citrus note!


The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th


What to cook on the weekend of February 5th? Here are the first, second and best desserts to prepare this weekend

If the weekend is your excuse to cook more delicious recipes than usual, you are in the right place. Moreover, on Saturday 5 February there is the final of Sanremo 2022: what better occasion to prepare delicious dishes to share with your fellow Festival mates?
For example, in a convivial evening you cannot miss recipes such as the rustic meatballs of beef and Bra sausage or the fried pizzas that we accompanied with raw ham and squacquerone, but which you can combine with any other condiment.

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: first courses

As for the former, the tradition he always comes to our aid when we need to bring to the table a dish capable of conquering all the guests. This is certainly the case with the Spaghettoni alla Gricia of Roman cuisine.

And for your Sunday lunch we have certainly not forgotten the lasagna. This time, however, we will surprise you with a less conventional recipe: vegetarian lasagna with lentils, which will also appeal to non-vegetarians.

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: main courses

The next recipe for the weekend comes from Lombardy. Have you ever heard of little birds escaped? It is about gluttons skewers of meat which date back to an ancient tradition. To find out the reason for their name, you just have to try the easy recipe for escaped birds.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for an original idea for second courses based on fish, try the seared tuna with olives and pistachios. Ready in 30 minutes!

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: desserts

How to make the long-awaited dessert moment special? It takes a little wine, just like we did for the recipe for our rustic pear pie. Seeing is believing: the aroma given off by pears and from spices used will be intoxicating!

The surprises don't end there: browse the gallery above to discover all the recipes for the weekend of February 5th.


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