The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th


What to cook on the weekend of February 5th? Here are the first, second and best desserts to prepare this weekend

If the weekend is your excuse to cook more delicious recipes than usual, you are in the right place. Moreover, on Saturday 5 February there is the final of Sanremo 2022: what better occasion to prepare delicious dishes to share with your fellow Festival mates?
For example, in a convivial evening you cannot miss recipes such as the rustic meatballs of beef and Bra sausage or the fried pizzas that we accompanied with raw ham and squacquerone, but which you can combine with any other condiment.

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: first courses

As for the former, the tradition he always comes to our aid when we need to bring to the table a dish capable of conquering all the guests. This is certainly the case with the Spaghettoni alla Gricia of Roman cuisine.

And for your Sunday lunch we have certainly not forgotten the lasagna. This time, however, we will surprise you with a less conventional recipe: vegetarian lasagna with lentils, which will also appeal to non-vegetarians.

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: main courses

The next recipe for the weekend comes from Lombardy. Have you ever heard of little birds escaped? It is about gluttons skewers of meat which date back to an ancient tradition. To find out the reason for their name, you just have to try the easy recipe for escaped birds.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for an original idea for second courses based on fish, try the seared tuna with olives and pistachios. Ready in 30 minutes!

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of February 5th: desserts

How to make the long-awaited dessert moment special? It takes a little wine, just like we did for the recipe for our rustic pear pie. Seeing is believing: the aroma given off by pears and from spices used will be intoxicating!

The surprises don't end there: browse the gallery above to discover all the recipes for the weekend of February 5th.


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