The recipe on the cover: frangipane tart, cream and strawberries – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


May, strawberry time. We celebrate the spring In the Recipe book of the new issue of The Italian kitchen now on newsstands. Aromatic herbs, salads, pods, new vegetables, flowers and strawberries: many ingredients for fresh and fragrant dishes.

Here in a web preview, the recipe on the cover to wish you many happy moments at the table.


Chef Lucia De Proi
Medium effort
Time 1 hour and 40 minutes plus 40 minutes of rest


For the shortcrust pastry

  • 125 g 00 flour
  • 75 g salted butter (Normandy butter is excellent)
  • 45 g brown sugar
  • 15 g almond flour
  • 30 g beaten egg
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • rice flour

For the frangipane cream

  • 115 g caster sugar
  • 115 g almond flour
  • 115 g salted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 lemons
  • rum

For the custard

  • 390 g milk
  • 130 g caster sugar
  • 130 g tresca cream
  • 75 g egg yolk
  • 40 g corn starch
  • 1 vanilla pod

To complete

  • 500 g strawberries
  • melissa
  • Luisa grass
  • edible flowers

ph Giacomo Bretzel, styling Beatrice Prada.


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