Stars And Food – Sagittarius – Week from November 26th to December 2nd – Italian Cuisine




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Fortuborn from 23 November to 21 December

Special ingredient: Olives all types
Vegetable Brings Fortune: Eggplant
The chef recommends: Happy birthday, Sagittarius! A few days ago the Sun has entered the sign, ready to kick off a new one around a year. This tells Simon in his astral reading and also provides this other detail for a sign of fire like you: Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will join forces in a splendid conjunction hosted by your sign. Gastronomically speaking, it is a moment suitable for the type of cooking of the fried, those done well and with particular attention to the dishes from street food. There are several dishes that are appropriate to this moment, from the great classics such as panzerotti with olives all'ascolana that almost … I dare to put as a dish of the week!
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