Spirulina algae, green that is good for you, sustainable green – Italian Cuisine



Green but tending to blue, rich in micro nutrients, deriving from ethical and sustainable crops. Italian spirulina algae is this and much more


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There FAO defines it as "Food of the future"Because of its very high nutritional values ​​and its very low environmental impact. Spirulina algae, green-blue in color, is the food that contains by far the highest level of vegetable proteins, about 60-65%, not only that, it has a caloric and cholesterol intake so low that it is a real and its ally of athletes, of those who want to lead a healthy and energizing diet, vegans, celiacs or those suffering from nutritional deficiencies. What does it contain? Maybe we first tell you what it does not contain! Spirulina algae is a food business suit, contains proteins, lipids and amino acids, omega 3 and 6, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants … In short, it helps us to protect our immune system, counteracts free radicals that cause premature aging and provides significant energy boost! Thanks to its nutritional properties but, above all for the abundance of proteins and iron, the WHO (World Health Organization) counts spirulina algae among the superfoods.

Spirulina algae is Italian

A new business that could not be missing even in Italy. They know it well Andriani (Italian producer of gluten free pasta) e ApuliaKundi (a young Apulian start-up specialized in the research of micro algae and in the production of organic K spirulina) that have started a partnership to achieve a single goal, that of agriculture in respect of environmental sustainability, to preserve natural resources without wasting them. Thus, a spirulina algae cultivation plant at the Andriani headquarters a Gravina in Puglia. For the cultivation and production of spirulina algae, the plant uses only water from the pasta production process, a water that is processed in order to be used in the cultivation of the seaweed. The result? The partnership gave birth to thecircular economy of spirulina algae, producing a 100% Italian, sustainable, organic, natural and healthy one.

The production process of spirulina algae

192352 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/10/alga-spirulina-@salepepe-.jpg "width =" 236 "style =" float: left; "height =" 157It is grown in special tanks, collected, pressed, extruded and cold dried so as not to lose the wonderful nutritional properties. What is obtained is used by the two companies: by ApuliaKundi for the production of functional foods and by Andriani for the production of gluten-free organic pasta.

Italian spirulina algae is sustainable

Cultivating spirulina algae in a way natural and ethical it does not damage the environment. We can look out at one green was of modern agriculture of spirulina algae which, if grown correctly and respecting sustainability, such as that produced in the Andriani plants, is able to reduce greenhouse gases and capture CO2. Not only that, its production does not contaminate the water and requires less use than other crops, it does not affect the forests and does not require the use of harmful herbicides or pesticides.

How is spirulina algae taken?

On the market it is found in the form of supplements, in dust or in flakes, like basic ingredient for foods with high protein content. Spirulina algae powder or flakes can be added to fruit smoothies, yogurt or salads. But if you are a greedy die-hard, here is a protein but very sweet recipe for you: spirulina-based energy truffles.
Click here to find out how to best use it in the kitchen!

October 2021
Giulia Ferrari

Posted on 29/10/2021


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