Pumpkin polenta – Recipe 's pumpkin polenta – Italian Cuisine

»Pumpkin polenta - Recipe Misya's pumpkin polenta


First clean the pumpkin by removing seeds, filaments and peel, then cut it 2/3 into cubes and 1/3 into slices.

Spread the diced pumpkin on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, season with salt and oil and cook for 20 minutes at 190 ° C in a pre-heated ventilated oven, then mash it with the tines of a fork.
Cook the sliced ​​pumpkin on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper: if they are thin enough, 20 minutes of cooking will be enough.

Cook the cornmeal by pouring it into the lightly salted boiling water, stirring constantly and respecting the cooking times indicated on the package, then stir it with butter and Parmesan.

Stir in the pumpkin polenta, add the diced cheese and mix.

Brown the bacon in a non-stick pan.
Arrange the polenta on a serving dish.

The pumpkin polenta is ready: add the crispy bacon and the sliced ​​pumpkin and serve immediately.


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