Tag: polenta

Recipe Creamed cod and polenta, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Creamed cod and polenta, the recipe


Step 1

Bring 1.5 liters of salted water to the boil, pour in the corn flour, stirring with a whisk, then continue mixing with a spatula for about 1 hour: you should obtain a soft polenta; roll it out onto a greased or baking paper-lined baking tray to a thickness of 1.5 cm and leave to cool.

Step 2

Peel and bone the cod very carefully. Cut it into cubes. Chop a shallot and let it sauté gently in a pan with 4 tablespoons of oil, the anchovy fillets and a small piece of chilli (measure it very sparingly), add the cod and cook it for 5 minutes so that it releases its water; then pour in the wine, let it evaporate, add the milk and cook for another 10 minutes or so; finally taste it and add salt if needed. Blend everything with the immersion blender adding another 4 tablespoons of oil.

Step 3

Cut the polenta, now cold and firm, into discs or squares and brown it in a pan with a little oil and butter until golden on both sides; alternatively, grease it lightly and bake it at 220°C for about ten minutes (croutons).

Step 4

Serve the cod on polenta croutons, finishing with a few drops of oil and chervil leaves if desired.


Recipe Polenta salad with fontina, soppressata and red cabbage, original appetizer – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

Cut the zest of half an orange into strips, place them in a pan covered with cold water, bring to the boil over a high heat and drain immediately. Clean the cabbage and cut it very thinly, add the orange peels, the juice of 1/2 lemon and 4 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper. Leave to macerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Cut the polenta into thin slices (5 mm), brown it in a hot pan on both sides (2-3 minutes per side). Also cut the fontina into thin slices.

Step 3

Place a base of cabbage on 4 small plates and then continue in layers until all the ingredients are used up, alternating polenta, fontina and soppressa. Complete with coarsely chopped fresh dill.

Recipe: Walter Pedrazzi Photos: Davide Maestri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


mouth-watering venison stew and polenta – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

mouth-watering venison stew and polenta


In the heart of the cold winter evenings, one venison stew with polenta stands like a tasty second course and enveloping. There deer meatslowly stewed in a mix of aromas and spices, offers an intense and satisfying tasting experience. Accompanied by a soft polentacarefully cooked until it reaches a creamy consistency, this dish stands out for its balanced combination of flavors and the feeling of comfort it gives.


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